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Full Game Guide

Guide for Underground 100%.

Before the run

It’s recommended to practice all the tracks by doing Individual Stage or Individual Level runs first.

Basic Tips: avoid hitting poles, signs, cars at all cost, sliding on walls. If you ever feel like you are going to crash try to brake and avoid the obstacle. It’s always better to slow down and avoid something or take a slightly different route instead of crashing out.

For every Circuit, Sprint and Drift you can view the IL records for the best routes to take. Keep in mind, these routes will have to be adjusted (such as wallrides, wallbumps, shortcuts, avoiding traffic, double tapping and double steering) based on how upgraded your car is, what car you currently have and on the level of traffic, so you might not always follow the same line as in the videos but you can review them so you have an idea of how to drive around each of the tracks. Levels | Individual Stages

Note: This is the 100% route, the any% route doesn’t include all the time-trials and has you customize your car a bit more and 2 times compared to once in the beginning in the 100% route.

Stage 1 - [Tutorial-Race 6]

  1. Tutorial – Circuit: Olympic Square – Forward – 2 Laps – When you start the race, shift to 2nd gear and use 3 pips of nitrous. After the first turn to the left use your remaining nos pips and complete the race using an optimal route.
Choosing your first car
  1. Race #1 – Circuit: Olympic Square – Forward – 2 Laps – After finishing the first race, press enter to skip the cutscene and instantly go to the right 2 times so that the first car that shows up will be the Peugeot 206 (it has the best Acceleration/Top Speed ratio and the handling is good). Now spam Enter until you get to the difficulty select screen on the race, tap left once to select the ‘Easy’ difficulty and then enter again. Menuing can be performed very quickly in this game and it is recommended to practice this.
  2. Race #2 – Sprint: Libery Gardens – Forward
  3. Race #3 – Drift: Drift Track 1 – 4 Laps
  4. Race #4 – Drag: 14th and Vine – Reverse
  5. Race #5 – Circuit: Olympic Square – Reverse – 3 Laps
  6. Race #6 - Tournament – Circuits: Olympic Square – Forward, Reverse; Inner City – Forward [All 2 Laps]

Stage 2 - [Race 7-14]

First upgrades
  1. Race #7 – Time-Trial – Sprint: Liberty Gardens – Reverse - Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with a front bumper, rear bumper and side skirts and apply Engine, Transmission and Tires upgrades at LVL 1 that you just unlocked. At the end of the sprint make sure to choose the first Unique Performance Upgrade that is offered which is Engine, you can basically spam Enter button until the next race in this case, but not for all of the unique upgrades.
  2. Race #8 – Circuit: Atlantica – Forward – 3 Laps
  3. Race #9 – Tournament – Drags: 14th and Vine – Reverse, Forward; 14th and Vine Construction – Reverse – after this tournament upgrade your car with the 3 upgrades you unlocked (ECU, Turbo, Brakes at LVL 1) and continue to next race.
  4. Race #10 – Circuit: Olympic Square – Reverse – 3 Laps
  5. Race #11 – Drag: Highway 1 – Forward
  6. Race #12 – Sprint: Broadway – Forward
  7. Race #13 – Drift: Drift Track 2 – 4 Laps
  8. Race #14 – Tournament - Circuits: Inner City – Forward; Atlantica – Reverse; Stadium – Forward [All 4 Laps]

Stage 3 - [Race 15-30]

  1. Race #15 – Sprint: Broadway – Reverse - Before beginning race 15, we switch to the Mazda Miata MX-5 which we will use for a long time, upgrade our car with the 3 performance upgrades we just unlocked in the tournament (Weight Reduction, Suspension, NOS at LVL 1) and continue to the next race.
  2. Race #16 – Circuit: Inner City – Reverse – 2 Laps
  3. Race #17 – Drag: 14th and Vine Construction – Reverse
  4. Race #18 – Drift: Drift Track 3 – 4 Laps
  5. Race #19 – Circuit: Market Street – Forward – 3 Laps
  6. Race #20 – Tournament – Drags: 14th and Vine – Reverse; Highway 1 – Forward; 14th and Vine Construction – Forward; Main Street – Forward
  7. Race #21 – Drag: 14th and Vine Construction – Forward
  8. Race #22 – Sprint: Broadway – Reverse
  9. Race #23 – Sprint: Lock Up – Forward
  10. Race #24 – Circuit: Inner City – Reverse – 3 Laps
  11. Race #25 – Drift: Drift Track 3 – 4 Laps
  12. Race #26 – Time-Trial – Sprint: 9th & Frey – For this Unique Performance Upgrade we will choose the ECU as it’s the best overall option improving our Top Speed and Acceleration.
  13. Race #27 – Sprint: Bedard Bridge – Forward
  14. Race #28 – Drift: Drift Track 4 – 4 Laps
  15. Race #29 – Drag: 14th and Vine Construction – Reverse – For this drag keep on the left side to avoid a traffic car that will 90% stop in front of you and it will be impossible to avoid it without fully braking.
  16. Race #30 – Tournament – Circuits: Olympic Square – Reverse; National Rail – Forward; Stadium – Forward [All 2 Laps]

Stage 4 - [Race 31-38]

  1. Race #31 – Circuit: Atlantica – Forward – 3 Laps – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (Engine, Transmission, Tires at LVL 2)
  2. Race #32 – Circuit: National Rail – Forward – 3 Laps
  3. Race #33 – Drift: Drift Track 3 – 4 Laps
  4. Race #34 – Sprint: 9th & Frey – Reverse
  5. Race #35 – Circuit: Inner City – Reverse – 6 Laps
  6. Race #36 – Drag: Main Street – Forward
  7. Race #37 – Circuit: Atlantica – Reverse – 6 Laps
  8. Race #38 – Tournament – Drifts: Drift Track 3; Drift Track 4; Drift Track 5 [All 4 Laps]

Stage 5 - [Race 39-48]

  1. Race #39 – Circuit: Inner City – Reverse – 3 Laps – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (ECU, Turbo, Brakes at LVL 2). Highest Level of Traffic, this is a hard race so drive carefully.
  2. Race #40 – Drift: Drift Track 4 – 4 Laps
  3. Race #41 – Sprint: Broadway – Forward
  4. Race #42 – Drag: Highway 1 - Forward
  5. Race #43 – Sprint: Lock Up - Reverse
  6. Race #44 – Drift: Drift Track 5 – 4 Laps
  7. Race #45 – Circuit: National Rail – Reverse – 3 Laps
  8. Race #46 – Drag: 14th and Vine Construction - Forward
  9. Race #47 – Time-Trial – Sprint: Broadway – Reverse – This is a Rims Unique Customization so just choose the first one.
  10. Race #48 – Tournament – Circuits: Olympic Square – Forward; Inner City – Forward; Atlantica – Forward [All 2 Laps]

Stage 6 - [Race 49-66]

  1. Race #49 – Circuit: National Rail – Forward – 3 Laps – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (Weight Reduction, Suspension, NOS at LVL 2)
  2. Race #50 – Drift: Drift Track 3 – 4 Laps
  3. Race #51 – Drag: 14th and Vine – Forward
  4. Race #52 – Circuit: Atlantica – Reverse – 2 Laps
  5. Race #53 – Circuit: Inner City – Reverse – 2 Laps
  6. Race #54 – Sprint: 9th & Frey – Forwar
  7. Race #55 – Drag: Main Street – Reverse
  8. Race #56 – Drift: Drift Track 5 – 4 Laps
  9. Race #57 – Sprint: Bedard Bridge – Reverse
  10. Race #58 – Circuit: National Rail – Reverse – 3 Laps
  11. Race #59 – Circuit: Stadium – Reverse – 4 Laps
  12. Race #60 – Circuit: Inner City – Forward – 3 Laps
  13. Race #61 – Sprint: 9th & Frey – Reverse
  14. Race #62 – Drag: Main Street – Forward
  15. Race #63 – Drag: 14th and Vine Construction – Reverse
  16. Race #64 – Drift: Drift Track 4 – 4 Laps
  17. Race #65 – Drift: Drift Track 6 – 4 Laps
  18. Race #66 – Tournament – Sprints: Broadway – Reverse; 9th & Frey – Forward; Lock Up – Reverse

Stage 7 - [Race 67-80]

  1. Race #67 – Sprint: Lock Up – Forward – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (Enging, Transmission, Tires at LVL 3)
  2. Race #68 – Time-Trial – Sprint: Bedard Bridge – Forward – This is a Vinyl Unique Customiation so just choose the first one.
  3. Race #69 – Tournaments – Circuits: National Rail – Forward; Atlantica – Reverse [Both 3 Laps]; Stadium – Forward [4 Laps]
  4. Race #70 – Drag: Main Street Construction - Forward
  5. Race #71 – Circuit: Terminal – Forward – 6 Laps
  6. Race #72 – Circuit: Market Street – Forward – 3 Laps
  7. Race #73 – Drift: Drift Track 4 – 4 Laps – After this drift we unlock the Mazda RX-7 and you have 2 options: you can switch to it now, or do the next event with the Miata and switch to the RX-7 after, it’s personal preference which car you can drive better on that track.
  8. Race #74 – Sprint: Spillway – Forward
  9. Race #75 – Circuit: National Rail – Reverse – 5 Laps
  10. Race #76 – Drag: Main Street – Reverse
  11. Race #77 – Time-Trial – Sprint: Spillway – Reverse – This is a Spoiler Unique Customization so just choose the first one.
  12. Race #78 – Sprint: 1st Ave. Truck Stop – Forward
  13. Race #79 – Drag: Main Street – Forward
  14. Race #80 – Tournament – Drags: Main Street Construction – Forward, Reverse, Forward, Reverse

Stage 8 - [Race 81-91]

  1. Race #81 – Circuit: Terminal – Forward – 4 Laps – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (ECU, Turbo, Brakes at LVL 3)
  2. Race #82 – Sprint: 1st Ave. Truck Stop – Forward
  3. Race #83 – Drag: Commercial – Forward
  4. Race #84 – Circuit: Market Street – Reverse – 3 Laps
  5. Race #85 – Drift: Drift Track 6 – 4 Laps
  6. Race #86 – Circuit: Terminal – Reverse – 4 Laps
  7. Race #87 – Drag: 14th and Vine – Forward
  8. Race #88 – Circuit: Terminal – Forward – 3 Laps
  9. Race #89 – Drift: Drift Track 7 – 4 Laps
  10. Race #90 – Circuit: Port Royal – Forward – 3 Laps
  11. Race #91 – Tournament – Circuits: Stadium – Reverse; Terminal – Reverse; Port Royal – Reverse [All 3 Laps]

Stage 9 - [Race 92-101]

  1. Race #92 – Drift: Drift Track 7 – 4 Laps – Before beginning this race make sure to upgrade your car with the 3 performance upgrades you have unlocked from the previous tournament (Weight Reduction, Suspension, NOS at LVL 3)
  2. Race #93 – Sprint: 7th & Sparling – Forward
  3. Race #94 – Sprint: 1st Ave. Truck Stop – Reverse
  4. Race #95 – Circuit: Market Street – Reverse – 6 Laps
  5. Race #96 – Time-Trial – Sprint: 7th & Sparling – Forward – This is the last Time-Trial and it’s a Unique Performance Upgrade. You have 2 choices to take: Weight Reduction if you wanna rely on your car having more stability and better handling or Turbo if you want your car to be much faster, a better recommendation would be to take the Weight Reduction.
  6. Race #97 – Drag: Commercial – Reverse
  7. Race #98 – Circuit: Port Royal – Forward – 6 Laps
  8. Race #99 – Sprint: Bedard Bridge – Reverse
  9. Race #100 – Sprint: 9th & Frey – Reverse
  10. Race #101 – Tournament – Sprints: Bedard Bridge – Reverse; Spillway – Forward; Broadway – Forward

Stage 10 - [Race 102-112]

  1. Race #102 – Circuit: Market Street – Forward – 3 Laps
  2. Race #103 – Circuit: Terminal – Reverse – 7 Laps
  3. Race #104 – Drift: Drift Track 8 – 4 Laps
  4. Race #105 – Drag: Main Street – Reverse
  5. Race #106 – Circuit: Port Royal – Reverse – 3 Laps
  6. Race #107 – Drag: Highway 1 – Reverse
  7. Race #108 – Drift: Drift Track 8 – 4 Laps
  8. Race #109 – Sprint: 7th & Sparlin – Reverse
  9. Race #110 – Circuit: Port Royal – Reverse – 5 Laps
  10. Race #111 – Sprint: 1st Ave. Truck Stop - Reverse
  11. Race #112 – Circuit: Market Street – Forward – 4 Laps