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Information and Tech

In-depth guide for driving tech like Double Steering and Double Tapping.


stab: Stability Control

tech: Driving tech, aka tricks that players use to reduce lap times.

DT: Double Tapping

DS: Double Steering

TJs: Unique performance upgrades you can earn by completing TJ's Time Trials in Underground mode. Legal runs can use up to 3.


ShortFull Name
OSOlympic Square
Atl or AAtlantica
ICInner City
Stad or STD or SStadium
NRNational Rail
MSMarket Street
Term or TTerminal
PRPort Royal


ShortFull Name
LGLiberty Gardens
LULock Up
BBBedard Bridge
1ATS1st Ave. Truck Stop
7S7th & Sparling
9F9th & Frey

An extra R or r is used at the end for reverse layouts.

Best cars for level runs

RX-7, Miata, Integra, Neon, 206

Miata and Integra are easier to drive than the RX-7. Neon has the highest acceleration but also the most difficult to use.


Maximum power: Engine, ECU, Turbo

NOS runs: Engine, ECU or Turbo, NOS

Mixed: Engine, ECU or Turbo, Weight Reduction


Drivetrain: The Miata is faster with level 2 on the following tracks: OS OSR A Ar S Sr NR NRr PR PRr

Brakes: If brakes are used to control sliding from DS or DT, lower upgrades can be useful to reduce the drifting angle. Pro Performance (lv2) can be used with Front Wheel Drive cars when Stability Control is disabled.


You can mitigate speed loss on jumps. For long jumps, shift up before you are in the air and shift down as soon as you land. For multiple jumps, shift up before the first jump and shift down at the last landing.

Double Steering is superior to Double Tapping. Only learn and use DT if you are on keyboard or if you cannot DS consistently even after a lot of practice.

Jump Tech examples

Double Steering (RWD)

RX-7 with Stability On: Hold specific analog input for the corner and tap digital once for some corners like OS first corner, IC last corner, Stad first DS, MS park exit. You can also tap digital multiple times while holding analog for smaller corners, usually together with sidewalks (Term last corner, Term airport, MS first corner, Atl first corner). On certain U shaped turns and very wide ones you can hold digital steering and let go to DS as little as possible (mainly for PR last corner, also used in Stad highway exit sometimes).

RX-7 with Stability Off: Single tap is limited to corners with weight transfer. Without it you will simply not keep the drift and spin out (MS park exit, MSR park entry, IC last, ICr first). Multi tap is needed for most DS corners, should enter with digital then control DS with analog. Hold method is very unreliable, as the moment you let go the car can enter a drift.

RWD: You can DS while holding 30-55% analog steering. Lower values result in a more aggressive initial DS and have a higher chance for losing speed or control. Smooth DS requires inputs in the higher range and correction.

Lower power cars can DS with stability off using the one tap method.

RWD DS examples

Double Steering (FWD)

Currently the Neon holds the record for every stability on Integra track like Atlantica, Stadium and Port Royal, and RX-7 tracks like Olympic Square reverse and both National Rails, owning 9/16 circuits in the game.

Integra: The best way to be a decent Neon driver is to master the Integra first. All FWD share one same aspect of DS, which includes holding any input on the analog until 35% and mashing the digital input for steering. Integra does DS between 25-35%. When you get consistent with Integra, then it's time to move to Neon, because it gets a lot harder.

Integra DS examples

Neon: You can use any input until 35% for DS techniques, but they have more variations in them.

  1. Digital DS (DDS): This one is useful to send your car around a corner faster. It is really good if you want to rotate your car for a wallbang or just to grip around the corner. To do it you need Digital + DS with analog input until 25% while spamming digital. Higher than 25% in this kind of drift either makes your car jiggle and lose speed or you spin out.

  2. Wallriding: The Neon is the best car for wallbanging in this game because it doesn't turn hard enough and it kind of "rides" the wall without losing too much speed. For the maximum speed effect, initiate any kind of DS or DDS as late as possible so that when you hit the wall you are going to hit it with your rear-side panel. After the hit, keep doing a low-angle DS until your wallride is finished.

  3. Fishtailing: Don't confuse it with the Midnight Club series fishtail, the Underground 1 fishtail is a tech discovered by GTB in June of 2024. It is useful to gain a lot of speed around the tracks. To do it, you need to start with your car pointing a bit away to where you really want to fishtail, turn opposite with about anything between 5-15%, and then press once digital and just jiggle the analog steering. Fishtailing works the best over bumps, elevations or corners the Neon can't normally do. This drifting basically ignores any law of physics in this game. Fishtailing is good for every part of the city that's open or bumpy.

  4. Slip DS: When you are on an elevation change or dirt/sidewalk, using a bit of normal DS and then HOLDING digital can make your car drift with a higher angle than usual without spinning out.

Neon DS examples

Neon upgrades (DS)

Your brakes affect the angle your wheels steer at so if you want a normal run with little to no fishtail use level 3. If you want to just fishtail everywhere (only on both Olympic Squares) use level 0.

Level 2 Drivetrain can be used on the Neon for longer 4th and 5th gears. The Neon doesn't have as much top end power as other cars with peak torque between 5600-6500. Level 2: OSr, Atl, STD, STDr, PR, PRr. Level 3 for any other circuit.


Double Tapping

Main RWD (RX-7): Basically you hold Gas while spamming a steering input. On Asphalt you need to brake and then do the DT. In some cases on asphalt you can just release gas, for example, on elevations, like the one in Inner City forward right before the 90 degrees Construction Corner. On dirt and sidewalks, using brakes to initiate DT is pointless, you can just DT fine. Braking before initiating DT also helps your car to be more stable while drifting. This is only useful for consistency, not hot laps.

Miata: Same as Main RWD, but you need to let the car go (lift gas a bit more).

Main FWD: The technique is a lot harder on FWD cars, because you have to spam gas + direction at the same time. If they are not synced, the car doesn't drift. You can also hold them together to 'jerk' the car, holding it at a drift with lower angle but helps with racing line. There are no unique ways to do it, basically works everywhere.

Integra: There is no particular thing in how to drift this car with stability on, but with stability off, it's really hard. The times you spam DT are reduced, but they need to be way more accurate. When you leave drift it also helps to hold the DT because, in some cases, the car keeps drifting to the left/right.

Neon: It is just like Integra but you need to spam 2 times harder. This car on DT is the best on just 3 tracks: Olympic Square fwd/rev and Atlantica fwd. I don't recommend this car but when you get used to it it is kinda fun.

206: This car doesn't respect the spamming DT from the 'Main FWD'. You just need to DT twice and hold. Easiest car to DT in this list.

Skyline: This car is unique to DT due to being AWD. You spam like in Main FWD but you have to counter-steer at the end or hold DT. It requires a lot of skill but on tight tracks ike Terminal or Market Street it has the best cornering speeds out of these cars. Pretty useless to learn but fun to drive.

Double Tapping examples

Car choice for Circuits (DT)

Olympic Square: RX-7 for consistency, Neon for the fastest lap

Atlantica: RX-7, Integra and Miata are all great, but the Neon can be faster on a hotlap

Inner City: RX-7 forward, Integra backwards for consistency or RX-7 for the fastest lap

National Rail: RWD - RX-7 or Miata

Stadium: FWD - Integra is preferred, but the Neon could beat it

Market Street: RX-7 or Integra

Terminal: RX-7 or Integra. Integra is faster forward but also harder.

Port Royal: Integra or 206

Use Stability Off, except: OS, A, NR, S, PR with RX-7 and Integra

Recommended TJs are Engine, Turbo, Weight Reduction for Stability Off and Engine, ECU, Turbo for Stability On.